Your Baby Pool
Keepsake Album

a Keepsake Album?

Simply to immortalize these magical moments!
Imagine a moment: an album filled with memories with your baby as the hero.

This album holds sentimental value, and your child will discover it with emotion as they grow.

Your loved ones have certainly sent you beautiful messages to welcome your little treasure.

So don't let these precious memories fade away in oblivion, take them in your hands and create a unique album, filled with tenderness, laughter, and unforgettable moments.

What does my album contain?

A personalized dedication
Messages and photos shared with your loved ones
The list of questions asked
Response statistics
Small messages and photos from your loved ones
Baby's birth characteristics
Podium of the winners of the game
Complete ranking
Birth Baby Book

Optimal quality... immortalize these precious moments
☛ Modern and fun design
☛ Hardcover, personalized with your baby's first name
☛ Original format square 21x21 cm
☛ High-quality semi-matte paper coated on both sides